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Elegant mit einem Hauch von Country bei Lianne Styling Living

Schwarz, Naturtöne und Grautöne finden Sie bei Lianne zu Hause!

Our house was designed by Marcel Wolterinck , it is a design you could so place on Long Island in New York. Typically American are the two large verandas and the large wooden deck terrace. 
The house also has two huge staircases at the entrance.

The special features are the many sight lines and the large glass windows in the house, making
inside and outside are one and the same, blending into each other in a different atmosphere every season.
The south-facing location means that with the first rays of sunshine in the
spring, you can sit outside on the indoor terrace.A truly happy moment to have a cup of
It is our favourite spot in the garden.
Because I am an interior stylist and it is also my greatest passion,the interior/colour and materials are entirely designed by me.

Another huge source of inspiration is my other passion: travelling, hotels and seeing cities.

When it comes to the use of colour, I prefer black, natural colours and shades of grey.
My style is sleek with a country twist or organic shapes mixed in.
As an interior design expert, I would say it's better to have a few big eye-catchers than lots of little frills, both indoors and outdoors.

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House in Style

Devon Plaid

Ein Klassiker der House in Style-Kollektion. Robuster, grobgestrickter Plaid aus bester Qualitat Wolle mit Polyamid.

Wit Wit/Grey
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House in Style

Sardinie Plaid

Grob gewebtes Plaid aus 100% Baumwolle. Die Stickerei an den Seiten und die Fransen an den Ecken verleihen dem Plaid einen Bohème-Touch.

Wit Wit/Grey
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House in Style

Sardinie Dekokissenbezug

Grob gewebtes Dekokissenbezug aus 100% Baumwolle. Die Stickerei an den Seiten und die Fransen an den Ecken verleihen dem Dekokissenbezug einen Bohème-Touch.

Wit Wit/Grey
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House in Style


Plaid Lund besteht aus 5% Alpaka, 10% Wolle und 85% Acryl. Ein zeitloses und superweiches Must-Have für den Winter, das zu jeder Einrichtung passt!

Wit Wit/Grey
€45,00 €119,95
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